Women’s Fixtures

GB Women vs Brazil 9/10th place playoff

GB women claim 9th place at the IWBF World Championships 2022 after a hard-fought victory against Brazil.
Written by Omer Hagomer

Lucy Robinson captured the first possession for GBR, but Helen Freeman was unable to convert in transition. Vileide Almeida opened the scoreboard for Brazil with 2 points after a highly contested shot. Great Britain slowed the pace down on offense, and Joy Haizelden tied the game up with an assertive shot inside the paint.

Robinson took the lead for GBR with a good shot after a long pass from Freeman. Shots did not fall for BRA while captain Sophie Carrigill was wide open and increased the lead of GBR. Perla Assuncao broke the spell and responded with 2 points from the mid-range for BRA.

Robinson and Almeida were competing for most points inside the key. Halfway into the first quarter, Oara Assuncao tied the game, GBR 8:8 BRA. Freeman gave GBR a 2-point lead with a wonderful shot from the 45-degree angle.

The Brazilians struggled to defend against the powerful presence of Robinson, P. Assuncao decreased the lead of GBR from the mid-range. The commander of consistency Freeman answered back with a coast-to-coast layup.

Both Robinson and Freeman turned up the heat heading into the second quarter. Almeida beat the buzzer with 2 points from the baseline, GBR led by 6 points at the end of the first quarter, GBR 18:12 BRA.

Haizelden collected defensive rebounds like checks in the second quarter, and Freeman cashed them in for points. Brazil kept fighting to reduce the lead, but Robinson was hell-bent on keeping it the way it is for GBR. Brazil made a substitution to freshen things up and Klokler rewarded them with 2 points from the baseline.

Brazil waged a war on defence and attempted to force Great Britain into 8-second violations. Nevertheless, Freeman remained cool, calm, and collected under pressure; she manoeuvred her way to the basket for 2 points.

The speed of Haizelden was difficult to break, she cruised past the defence and made a great layup. Almeida converted a no-look layup of her own to lower the deficit for Brazil. Halfway through the second quarter, Brazil took advantage of a loose ball and the lead of GBR was down to 6 points.

Brazil called for a timeout. Robinson converted a 3-point play as BRA were not afraid of contact on defence. Charlotte Moore replaced Carrigill. Haizelden used pick & rolls to extend the lead of GBR. Almeida found mismatches to keep Brazil’s hopes alive. GBR called for a timeout with only a couple of seconds until half-time, GBR 33:24 BRA.

In the third quarter, Jade Atkin replaced Freeman and Carrigill checked back into the game replacing Kayla Bell. J. Atkin made an impact instantly with a 3-point play. P. Assuncao responded with 2 points from long-range. Shots were exchanged, as Brazil briefly got the better of GBR.

Brazil were making progress, as Denise Eusebio used the man-out play and scored a layup down the middle. Freeman and Maddie Martin subbed in for GBR. The British defence was rock solid, and Brazil were backed into a shot clock violation.

GBR called for a timeout with just 3 minutes to go in the quarter. J. Atkin was fouled and made 1/2 from the free throw line, she ended the quarter with a fantastic shot off the backboard. GBR maintained a 9-point lead heading into the last quarter. GBR 43:34 BRA.

In the fourth quarter fatigue was setting in, both teams missed crucial shots. Captain Carrigill increased the lead of GBR against all odds with a superb layup under the basket. Freeman felt a surge of energy and landed a coast-to-coast layup. Brazil had no choice but to call for a timeout.

Klokler made 1/2 from the free throw line for Brazil and Almeida was back to claim more points from the mid-range. Both teams made it challenging for one another to score, yet J. Atkin found the space and added 2 points.

Moore was sharp from the elbow and got on the scoresheet after a picturesque shot. Brazil called for a timeout with 3 minutes remaining in the game, and P. Assuncao fired for 2 more points from the 45-degree angle.

Jude Hamer replaced J. Atkin and Haizelden replaced Martin. BRA were going down swinging as Silvelane Oliveria added 2 points outside the key. Haizelden came off the bench rested and dispatched 2 points in transition. Brazil called for a timeout. However, GBR showcased excellent time management skills and held onto the lead, full-time, GBR 55:44 BRA.

GB Women’s Joy Haizelden commented:
“That game was really just about us and how we are going to set ourselves up for Europeans. We were trying different things, different line-ups. I thought Lucy Robinson did a really good job starting this game – she did a really really good job. It is so good to see the development of our juniors as well coming up through the program and it is good for them to get experience.”

C. Moore (2), S. Carrigill (6), K. Bell, H. Freeman (14), J. Hamer, L. Robinson (15), S. Fitzpatrick, J. Haizelden (10), J. Atkin (8), M. Martin, E. Fraser, A. Atkin.

GBR Women vs Thailand

GB Women returned to their winning ways with a resounding victory over Thailand.
Written by Omer Hagomer

GBR won the tip off and Lucy Robinson carved her name on the scoresheet with 2 points. Thailand struggled to shoot over the height advantage of GBR. Both teams sacrificed some turnovers early on, but Jade Atkin got things back on track and extended the lead to 6 points.

Captain Sophie Carrigill and J. Atkin demonstrated excellent chemistry in transition and added more points. The lead was getting larger, so Thailand had no choice but to call for a timeout. Shots did not fall for Thailand while J. Atkin and Robinson found the back of the net every single time.

Carrigill used offensive rebounds to afford GBR a 16-point lead, she was accurate from the mid-range. Thailand desperately needed a response, at the end of the first quarter, GBR 23:0 THA.

Pimjai Putthanoi got the ball rolling for Thailand with 1/2 from the free throw line. Natnapa Ponin followed up with 2 points from the mid-range. J. Atkin lit the basket up in Dubai, she responded with 4 points inside the key and beat the shot clock in the process.

Thailand attempted to disrupt the momentum of GBR with picks on offense, but Robinson had the mismatch and fired for 2 points off the backboard. Heading into half-time, GBR 29:3 THA.

Thailand called for a timeout with 4 minutes remaining in the quarter. GBR made a few substitutions, Jude Hamer, Joy Haizelden, Siobhan Fitzpatrick, and Kayla Bell checked into the game. Hamer came off the bench and instantly scored 2 points.

Haizelden was sharp from the 45-degree angle and Fitzpatrick scored her first points in the tournament after a magnificent pick & roll. GBR were playing with confidence, at halftime, GBR 39:5 THA.

Fitzpatrick was poised for success in this game, she opened the third quarter with an offensive rebound and the put-back for 2 points. Hamer stole possession and scored a coast-to-coast layup.

Ponin was playing for honour, she launched a deep 2 to keep Thailand in the game. Thailand moved better offensively, as Pawarati Jala rewarded them with 2 points under the basket.

Hamer responded with 4 points after a quick sequence. Baskets were exchanged momentarily as shots were falling for Ponin, but Martin scored 2 outside the key and Haizelden made a rapid layup in transition. Thailand were getting physical, and Hamer punished them from the free throw line.

Bell was on the hunt for offensive rebounds, she rewarded herself with 2 points. Robinson replaced Hamer, and Adele Atkin checked in for Bell. Halfway through the third quarter, GBR 57:11 THA.

Thailand utilised screen shots as Anulak Sirinikorn minimised the deficit with 2 points. Robinson was an ominous presence under the basket heading into the last quarter. Ponin refused to accept defeat and made 2 from long-range.

Martin answered back with 2 from mid-range. A timeout was called as GBR were easily penetrating the defence of Thailand. Ellan Fraser subbed in for Martin. At the end of the quarter GBR 69:15 THA.

Ponin opened the fourth quarter with a long-range 2. Fitzpatrick and Haizelden executed a fantastic pick & roll for 2. Nothing but net for Fitzpatrick in this quarter, she certainly found her rhythm. Thailand made a few substitutions, while Fraser got on the scoreboard. The British defence was towering over Thailand.

J. Atkin and Charlotte Moore checked back into the game; J. Atkin continued to dictate the pace of the game with points and rebounds. Thailand pressed but GBR powered through, they called for a timeout with only a minute remaining in the game.

In summary, it was a tough mountain to climb for Thailand, they went toe-to-toe with one of the best teams in Europe, full-time, GBR 93:19 THA.

GB Women’s Siobhan Fitzpatrick commented:
“It was a great team performance; it was fantastic to see everybody get some good minutes and get to contribute and build for the next game tomorrow. I am really proud of this team for coming back after a really tough group and sticking together to put on a great display,”

Preparations for tomorrow:
“I think the most important thing for this team right now to prepare for tomorrow is that we all just stick together and remember that it is not necessarily about what happens but it is about preparing for the future tournaments that we are going to face, put on a great display and just play GB basketball.”

Moore, S. Carrigill (6), K. Bell (2), H. Freeman, J. Hamer (14), L. Robinson (20), S. Fitzpatrick (10), J. Haizelden (6), J. Atkin (27), M. Martin (4), E. Fraser (4), A. Atkin.

Women’s GBR v AUS

A tough battle with Australia ends in defeat for GB Women in their final pool game of the IWBF World Championships.
Written by Omer Hagomer

Jade Atkin secured the first possession for GBR and scored a crisp layup in transition. Georgia Cook drew the game for Australia from the mid-range. GBR took the lead as Joy Haizelden scored under the basket, while J. Atkin was in the zone and stretched the lead for GBR. Australia called for a timeout as GBR were bringing the heat on offense and Helen Freeman converted a 3-point play.

Amber Merritt launched 2 shots to quickly obtain 4 points. Freeman responded with 2 points from the mid-range. GBR led by 5 points halfway through the first quarter.

Wide open looks rolled out for GBR, so they called for a timeout with 2 minutes to go in the quarter. Australia were defending well, and Hannah Dodd rewarded her teammates with 2 points.

Haizelden and Freeman responded with a picture-perfect pick & roll for 2 points. J. Atkin was a challenging presence on defence and Freeman beat the buzzer to extend the lead of GBR, at the end of the first quarter, GBR 17:12 AUS.

Merritt opened the second quarter with 2 points from the baseline for Australia. The gliders relied on defensive rebounds and scored in transition to reduce the lead. Cook gave AUS a 1-point lead after a shot inside the key.

Both teams traded shots, but Georgia Inglis maintained a 3-point lead for AUS with a one-handed shot. Jude Hamer replaced J. Atkin. Freeman was outstanding from the 45-degree angle. The British were sharing the ball effectively, and captain Sophie Carrigill got on the scoreboard with a pick & roll.

Freeman was unstoppable from the mid-range, although AUS were efficient in transition and held onto the lead heading into half-time. GBR called for a timeout with two minutes remaining in the quarter and Maddie Martin checked in for Haizelden. Hamer was heavily guarded on offense but found the space to fire for 2 points. At half-time, GBR 29:32 AUS.

In the third quarter, the dynamic Martin got on the scoresheet with a beautiful layup. Charlotte Moore was composed under pressure and scored after an assist by Freeman. Freeman was back to take over, she thrived under the pressure on defence. A timeout was called with five minutes remaining in the quarter.

Hamer found her rhythm and drained a shot through the screen. The Australians were physical on the defensive end, consequently, Freeman made 1/2 from the free throw line. Cook tied the game up heading into the last quarter, GBR 38:38 AUS.

Hamer gave GBR a 4-point lead with precise shots. Towards the end of the quarter, Australia made a few substitutions and reduced the lead to 2 points, GBR 42:40 AUS. In the fourth quarter, Haizelden and J. Atkin were back on court. Hamer continued her positive influence with more points, yet Merritt was determined to give AUS the lead.

The atmosphere was highly competitive, a must win situation for both countries. J. Atkin tied the game after a curl by Carrigill, GBR 46:46 AUS, she was magnet for defensive rebounds.

A timeout was called with five minutes to go in the game. Cook and Merritt were the difference makers for Australia. The British basket rained points in the last few minutes of the game and Australia began to take a lead. GBR called for two timeouts in the final proceedings, as Cook closed the game with 1/2 from the free throw line, GBR 53:62 AUS.

GB Women’s captain Sophie Carrigill commented:
“It hurts. It is really tough. I think we fought really hard as we have done for this whole tournament, and it just was not our day sadly. I am really proud of the team, I have got nothing but absolute admiration for everyone in this team and just so much love. The vibes have been incredible all this time we have been here, and I think that speaks a lot for where this team is going to go.”

“Obviously this one will hurt and it will hurt for a while but we are going to rebuild over the summer. We have got a big tournament in August – our European Championships, which is qualification for Paris, so that is the focus. We will continue to work hard to make sure we are in a better place, and performing and dominating when we are there.”

Moore (2), S. Carrigill (2), K. Bell, H. Freeman (20), J. Hamer (13), L. Robinson, S. Fitzpatrick, J. Haizelden (4), J. Atkin (10), M. Martin (2), E. Fraser, A.

Women’s CAN x GBR

A mighty team performance from GB Women but Canada take the win in Dubai.
Written by Omer Hagomer

GBR won the first possession and captain Sophie Carrigill got 2 points on the scoreboard. Arrin Young tied the game for Canada, the Canadians were quick in transition and Elodie Tessier scored a layup with a finger-roll. Joy Haizelden forced a turnover that allowed Helen Freeman to score a contested shot from the baseline. Freeman was on form and gave GBR a 2-point lead halfway into the first quarter, CAN 4:6 GBR.

The Canadians used defensive rebounds effectively, but shots were not falling for them. Freeman added another 2 points, as Tessier kept Canada’s hopes alive with 2 of her own. Carrigill was picking and rolling and rewarded herself with 2 points.

Both teams were extra physical on defense as Canada’s captain Cindy Quelett scored 1/2 from the free throw line. GBR called for a timeout as they led by 1 point heading into the second quarter, CAN 9:10 GBR.

J. Atkin was swamped by Canada’s players but found the space to add 2 points. Jude Hamer checked in for J. Atkin with 2 minutes remaining in the quarter. Kady Dandeneau was the difference maker from the free throw line for Canada.

Both nations utilised the man-out play impeccably, Canada scored a swift layup in transition, but Hamer responded with 2 points inside the paint. The first quarter proved how evenly matched the two teams are. Dandeneau gave Canada the lead after a foul, Hamer regained the lead for GBR with an exquisite shot from the baseline, CAN 15:16 GBR.

Canada made a few substitutions. Kayla Bell checked in for Carrigill in the second quarter. The stakes were raised on offense as each successful shot was met with a response at the other end of the floor. Hamer stepped up big time for GBR, Dandeneau felt the pressure and drained a 3-pointer for Canada. GBR were a mighty unit on defense and Haizelden gave GBR a 1-point lead, CAN 20:21 GBR.

Canada were on form at the offensive end as Dandeneau got another 3-pointer. Hamer was collecting points heading into halftime and field goals were traded. Canada were resourceful and kept Hamer out of the defensive end.

Canada were deadly from the mid-range as GBR trailed by 5 points. Haizelden converted from the block to reduce the lead, CAN 30:25 GBR. Hamer came back to dominate and forced Canada to call a timeout.

The response was top level offense from Canada, they drew fouls with 2 minutes to go until half-time. Charlotte Moore maintained the ‘never give up’ attitude to decrease the lead after a skillful curl for Hamer. GBR closed the key and increased their intensity on defense. At half-time, CAN 34:31 GBR.

Haizelden opened the third quarter with a tremendous shot off the backboard, Freeman scored one of her own. Canada retook the lead as Dandeneau was persistent on offense. Carrigill replaced Bell as Haizelden pushed the pace in transition, yet Canada found creative ways to get in on offense.

GBR called for a timeout with five minutes remaining in the quarter, they came close to forcing Canada into shot clock violations. J. Atkin subbed in for Hamer and GBR began to write a comeback story, Freeman banked a trademark shot and Moore scored with a light touch off the backboard.

J. Atkin capitalised on defensive rebounds, she also drew a foul and scored 1/2. Canada extended the lead using offensive rebounds. CAN 51:40 GBR.

Hamer replaced Freeman in the fourth quarter. Haizelden scored through a screen set by J. Atkin. Canada moved the ball on offense and Tamara Steeves added 2 points. The second chapter of the comeback story for GBR saw Haizelden once again maneuvering with passion on offense to score 2. J. Atkin also got 2 after delicately driving down the middle.

Canada called for a timeout with seven minutes remaining in the game. Haizelden was exceptional but Canada forced GBR into an 8 second violation. Both J. Atkin and Hamer found rhythm in the last quarter. While Canada relied on second chances, GBR effectively reduced the gap to 3 points, CAN 57:54 GBR.

GBR refused to surrender. Carrigill was wide open and scored inside the key. Baskets were exchanged, and GBR called for a timeout twice with only a couple of seconds remaining. Canada broke the press of GBR and Dandeneau closed the game with 2/2 from the free throw line, CAN 66:59 GBR.

Moore (2), S. Carrigill (8), K. Bell, H. Freeman (10), J. Hamer (19), L. Robinson, S. Fitzpatrick, J. Haizelden (12), J. Atkin (8), M. Martin, E. Fraser, A. Atkin.

Women’s GBR x CHN

The clash between two undefeated teams ended in a tough loss for Great Britain Women.

Written by Omer Hagomer 

GBR won the tip off, but China’s defense was immense from the get-go. China attempted to score in transition, but GBR came away with the defensive rebound, they moved the ball effectively and Helen Freeman scored 2 points. Xiaolian Huang responded with a long shot for two points from the elbow.

Initially GBR were defending well and both teams showed patience in offence. Halfway through the first quarter, China called for a timeout, GBR 2:2 CHN. Suiling Lin scored from the baseline for China, while GBR did not take full advantage of a turnover, but shortly after Helen Freeman found her rhythm with 2 shots off the backboard.

It was a low scoring quarter, yet China made sure the score was level heading into the second quarter. Huang was wide open and added another 2 points. Jade Atkin gave GBR a lead with a mid-range shot but not for long as Huang tied the game yet again. At the end of the quarter GBR 8:8 CHN.

Kayla Bell replaced Charlotte Moore in the second quarter. China used offensive rebounds to take a 3-point lead. Freeman beat the shot clock to reduce the gap. Baskets were exchanged at both ends of the floor and Great Britain called for a timeout halfway through the second quarter.

China were proficient in the counter attack. Jude Hamer checked in for J. Atkin and cemented her presence with 4 points. After a decisive call from the referees, China were getting the friendly roll and led by 6 points at half-time. GBR 17:23 CHN.

The speed of Haizelden earned GBR 2 points after a wonderful layup. Hamer was unwavering, she used screen shots to keep GBR within touching distance of China. Haizelden was on form despite tough defense from China. Both teams exchanged baskets like gifts, but China led by 6 points.

Hamer was very skilled from the free throw line, as GBR called for a timeout and Moore was back on court, she set an amazing screen for Hamer to add 2 points. Height was paying off for the Chinese squad, they were cutting through the defense and converting. GBR remained determined, Moore used offensive rebounds and Hamer did not miss. Freeman stepped up to reduce the lead, she was deadly from the top of the key.

GBR were playing with heart and resiliency forcing China to call for a timeout with 12 seconds remaining in the quarter. Guidi Lyu fired at 45 degrees and beat the buzzer to end the quarter, GBR 33:43 CHN. Nothing but net for China in the last quarter, but Freeman was outstanding at drawing fouls and remained composed under pressure.

J. Atkin subbed in for Hamer. J. Atkin used defensive rebounds and Haizelden scored in transition. The dynamic Maddie Martin checked in for Haizelden and finished a beautiful shot off the backboard.

Lucy Robinson replaced J. Atkin. GBR called for another timeout with 2 minutes to go, as the Chinese were relentless on offence. Freeman reduced the deficit to 15 points with 20 seconds to go but Lin closed the game with conviction using a three-pointer, GBR 46:64 CHN.

GB’s Jude Hamer commented:
“Hats off to China, we had a really good defensive game plan and we stuck to it. They got really hot from the outside and hit shots that we forced them to take. We shut down their two main threats and other people stepped up,”

“A tough loss but I think we played well, it was just a good game from China. I am really impressed with the whole [GB] team, the whole unit just coming together as one big family, lots to build on for the next game,”

About facing Canada: “I feel really confident, we are just growing and learning as the tournament goes on, people are getting more confident as we get through the tournament. So yeah I think we have more to show and more to give.”

Moore, S. Carrigill (2), K. Bell, H. Freeman (22), J. Hamer (12), L. Robinson, S. Fitzpatrick, J. Haizelden (6), J. Atkin (2), M. Martin (2), E. Fraser, A. Atkin.

Women’s GBR x BRA

Great Britain were on form after a gutsy victory against Spain as they beat Brazil 67:35 in their second game of the pool stages of the IWBF World Championships.

Game report by Omer Hagomer

Debutants Ellan Fraser and Adele Atkin etched their names in the history books of GB Women, marking their first appearences for the senior side.

GBR won the tip off and Jade Atkin quickly scored 2 points. GBR capitalised on defensive rebounds and Haizelden scored a great lay-up. Brazil trailed by 2 points after Vileide Almeida scored.

J. Atkin used offensive rebounds to her advantage to score an easy lay-up. While Almeida was on form she kept Brazil within touching distance of GBR. Halfway through the first quarter, GBR led by 4 points. GBR 10:6 BRA.

The speed of Joy Haizelden is a sight to behold in transition. Brazil attempted to establish physical dominance, but J. Atkin found her stride and scored a couple of baskets inside the key. Brazil called for a timeout as GBR led by 8 points heading into the second quarter, GBR 16:8 BRA. GBR forced Brazil into a shot clock violation to end the quarter.

Haizelden scored well under pressure in the second quarter. Brazil relied on screen shots as the British defensive manoeuvres were tough to conquer. Freeman crowned herself the queen of defensive rebounds and the defence naturally transformed into tactical offence. GBR led by 12 points with 5 minutes to go until half-time. Jude Hamer replaced J. Atkin. Oliveira scored a deep two for Spain to reduce the lead of GBR.

Carrigill was picking and rolling and GBR maintained a 10 points lead heading into half-time, GBR 27:17 BRA. Hamer left her mark with an accurate fade-away.

A timeout was called with a minute to go as the Brazilians were under pressure. Haizelden used the man-out play to perfection and added another 2 points to her total. At half-time GBR 33:19 BRA.

Kayla Bell replaced Carrigill and assisted Hamer with a textbook curl for 2 points. Brazil were successful from long-range, but Hamer was relentless under the basket. Brazil were in foul trouble territory as Freeman was excellent at drawing contact, she rewarded herself with 2/2 free throws.

Bell elicited a rumble from the crowd in Dubai, she was wide open in transition and scored a superb lay-up. Lucy Robinson checked in for Hamer. Brazil were feeling the heat, they gave up turnovers with inaccurate passes and fouls. Charlotte Moore was sensational from the free throw line.

Perla Assuncao added 2 points for Brazil from the mid-range, but Freeman and Robinson were an effective tag-team, as Britain led by a staggering 26 points heading into the last quarter, GBR 55:29 BRA.

GBR were incredible on defence, forcing many turnovers. Robinson joined the scoreboard in the fourth quarter after a loose ball. Siobhán Fitzpatrick and Maddie Martin checked into the game. Both Carrigill and Robinson extended the lead of GBR even further, it was a team effort in every sense of the word.

Adele Atkin checked in for Carrigill and in combination with Haizelden she was crucial in maintaining possession of the ball. Ellan Fraser subbed in for Robinson and rapidly made a statement with 2 points. Oara Assuncao responded with 3-pointer from out of nowhere for Brazil to close the game. GBR 67:35 BRA.

Moore (5), S. Carrigill (2), K. Bell (2), H. Freeman (9), J. Hamer (7), L. Robinson (6), S. Fitzpatrick, J. Haizelden (22), J. Atkin (12), M. Martin, E. Fraser (2), A. Atkin.

Women’s ESP v GBR

GB Women’s opener of the IWBF World Championships 2022 was a battle of sporting supremacy.
Game report by Omer Hagomer

Helen Freeman put on a phenomenal show helping GBR deliver an impressive victory over Spain, with 25 points and 10 assists.

Jude Hamer won the tip off for GBR, but for Spain it was Isabel Lopez that declared the scoreboard open for business. Joy Haizelden responded with a rapid lay up in transition for GBR.

Both teams turned good defence into offense and exchanged field goals. Halfway through the first quarter Spain led by 6 points, ESP 10:4 GBR.

Captain Sophie Carrigill and Hamer showcased amazing chemistry resulting in 2 points. Freeman reduced the deficit to 4 points after a picture-perfect mid-range shot. Hamer ended the quarter with a decisive shot to keep GBR within touching distance of Spain. ESP 14:12 GBR.

Jade Atkin replaced Hamer in the second quarter. As a shooting threat, she was heavily defended immediately. Spain picked up a few offensive fouls early on.

The pressure was on, it was a low scoring quarter as both teams attempted to settle in and convert their offense into baskets. Freeman remained undeterred despite the scoreline, tying the game with 4 minutes to go until half-time.

Freeman was on fire from the mid-range, forcing Spain to call for a timeout, ESP 18:18 GBR.

Both teams made it rain in the last few seconds. At halftime Spain led by 3 points, ESP 24:21 GBR. Hamer was back on court in the third quarter and instantly made an impact adding 2 points.

Spain showcased remarkable defence which translated into good offence in transition. Carrigill expertly drew a foul, she was a sharpshooter from the free throw line scoring 2/2.

A timeout was called with 5 minutes to go in the third quarter, Hamer and Freeman proved themselves as a dynamic duo, they perfectly executed a pick & roll, with Hamer adding another 2 points to her tally.
Spain were building towards the end of the third quarter, they halted the momentum of GBR. Lucy Robinson joined proceedings as the Spaniards led by 12 points, ESP 42:30 GBR.

GBR refused to give up in the final quarter – Carrigill added 2 points the old-fashioned way with another pick & roll. J. Atkin checked back into the game replacing Robinson; she capitalised on defensive rebounds as GBR were defending exceptionally well.

Freeman reduced a sizable gap to 5 points after making 2 free throws. With 5 minutes to go until full-time GBR were determined to win. J. Atkin joined the scoreboard after making a heavily contested shot.
Anticipation was rising in this nailbiter after a timeout was called. The comeback was on after Haizelden scored a timely layup, GBR led by 1 point with two minutes remaining. ESP 44:43 GBR.

Freeman extended the lead to 3 points, J. Atkin contributed to the finishing touches with 2 points from long-range, Spain’s Lourdes Ortega responded with 2 of her own under the basket.

Freeman was simply unstoppable as she threw the last dagger in the form of a stunning shot from 15 feet away. ESP 48:51 GBR.

C. Moore, S. Carrigill (3), K. Bell, H. Freeman (25), J. Hamer (8), L. Robinson, S. Fitzpatrick, Haizelden (11), J. Atkin (4), M. Martin, E. Fraser, A. Atkin