13 January, 2023

British Wheelchair Basketball Level 3 Coaching pilot

British Wheelchair Basketball are pleased to be piloting a Level 3 Coaching course designed for individuals who currently coach in the talent pathway, or aspire to, particularly within HPPs, academies and Premier Division teams.

The British Wheelchair Basketball Level 3 Coaching course will be delivered by Grey Matters, who have a wealth of experience in coaching and performance. The course is comprised of three phases, which will be delivered across a mixture of in-person and remote delivery.

Performance Director Diccon Edwards commented:

“We are excited to announce the launch of our new Level 3 programme as the development and support of coaches is a key component in our performance strategy.

“High Performance coaches are critical to our success in developing world leading teams, and through the delivery of our new Level 3 course we can provide a developmental pathway for coaches that has a positive impact on player experiences and development.

“The Level 3 programme, alongside our other coach development offers such as the Pathway Coach Development Programme, reinforce our commitment to creating a pool of coaches with the potential to coach Great Britain teams in the future.”

Interim Participation Director Samantha Rock commented:

“We’re pleased to be introducing this newly formatted Level 3 Course into the coach development pathway. The pilot allows us to further develop the opportunities available to aspiring wheelchair basketball coaches and strengthens the talent pathway across the country.”

Please note we are limiting the number of spaces available on this pilot to eight. Coaches currently working within high performance environments will be prioritised.

To apply for the Level 3, complete the application form https://forms.office.com/e/SuPSsi81Zr by Sunday 29th January 2023

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