The Diploma in Sporting Excellence (often referred to as DiSE) offers aspiring athletes the opportunity to develop their sporting capability, by training in an elite environment supported by British Wheelchair Basketball whilst continuing in full time education.
This programme guides learners through several key skills on and off court, including technical and tactical skills on the court, physical capability including strength and conditioning, and psychological skills. Alongside sport specific skills, DiSE covers areas integral to personal development, building on skill areas that benefit young athletes such as: lifestyle organisation, career planning, communication and leadership, health and safety, and nutrition.
Applications for DiSE open 1st July 2022, and the deadline will be 17th July 2022. In order to apply, athletes must be aged 16 to 18 years old on 1/9/2022, be in full-time education studying A-Levels and / or BTEC Level 3 Qualifications for the next two academic years, and be a member of an affiliated wheelchair basketball club.
To give you an insight into the course, we spoke to Women’s Premier League Worcester Wolves player and current Year 2 DiSE athlete Ellan Fraser:
How did you first get involved in wheelchair basketball?
I started playing in 2015 after trying it at my school. The coach for my local team was there and he asked if I wanted to come to a training session, so I did and I absolutely loved it.
How did you find out about the DiSE programme?
The England Talent Manager at the time (Simon Fisher) approached me about it, it sounded really interesting and good fun.
What would you say are the main things you have got out of the DiSE programme – on and off court?
I definitely learnt more about the athlete lifestyle and how to develop as an athlete- the nutrition and fitness part of DiSE was very useful for improving my performance. Off court, DiSE helped me with my confidence, I made lots of good friends at the camps.
What are your aspirations following the programme? On the court, off the court?
I hope to study physiotherapy at university alongside playing for the Worcester Wolves Women’s Premier League team and continuing on the HPP. I would also love to represent team GB one day!
What would you say to someone considering applying?
Definitely do it, it’s worth it and the 64 UCAS points is helpful (this does not apply to all universities, but can help and support with applications regardless). DiSE not only helps you but also your team as well; the knowledge gained from the course can be taken back to your teams to help them!
DiSE applications open 1st of July. For more information, head to the webpage:
For further information, email England Talent Manager Justine Lucas at